What Geographic or Regional Disparities Exist in Prenatal Testing?


More Programs and Publications Featuring Dana Powell Baker

In this program:

When it comes to prenatal testing, what are disparities that exist? Dana Powell Baker discusses barriers to prenatal testing and solutions to improve prenatal testing rates and pregnancy outcomes.


Dana Powell Baker:

There have actually been some studies released that indicate that access to prenatal testing can be quite limiting in terms of just being able to access the providers that may operate or work within the specialty of OB/GYN or prenatal care for that matter. But in that, again, how do we increase opportunity or access to testing? When we look at these geographical barriers or even issues with geographical isolation where there may be no critical access facilities in sight, what education are we providing to those patients? Are there opportunities to provide diagnostic home tests and educate them on those home tests so that they are equipped with the resources and the know-how when it comes to, again, their own care? Also, what do we do in the event of an emergency if something does happen much sooner than we anticipate, especially when it comes to our patients that are actively seeking that treatment.  

Again, how can we foster that relationship and collaboration with those patients regardless of where they are? It's absolutely certain that there are not going to be as many resources available or within a geographical range in rural or remote areas, but again, education, effective communication are key. What can we equip our patients with that are in those areas in the event of an emergency, in the event of just maintaining a consistent prenatal testing schedule. And also, how can we follow up and meet them where they are in the sense of attaining those results, even if it's training them on how to collect those samples or those specimens for those prenatal test. Because again, this can make all the difference in the well-being of that patient as well as the well-being of their child. And ultimately, that is the goal. To ensure that we are providing the best prenatal care possible to really optimize the outcome of that pregnancy.

The information on Diverse Health Hub is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other condition. Always seek the expert advice of your healthcare team.

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