Kidney Cancer Hub

Kidney Cancer Hub

Equity in Diagnostic Testing Overview

Kidney cancer disparities in diagnostic testing such as racially-biased tests affect BIPOC at a disproportionate rate than whites, creating barriers to optimal health outcomes. Access to accurate test results are vital in providing patients with timely resources and care.

Key kidney cancer tests are:




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Tests for Kidney Cancer. American Cancer Society website. Accessed March 16, 2023.,blood%20cells)%20is%20very%20common.

Debanjan Pain, Samuel U. Takvorian, Vivek Narayan. Disparities in Clinical Care and Research in Renal Cell Carcinoma. Kidney Cancer. Accessed March 16, 2023.,cancer%20mortality%20rate%20%5B7%5D.

Jennifer N. Sims, Clement G. Yedjou, Daniel Abugri, Marinelle Payton, Timothy Turner, Lucio Miele, Paul B. Tchounwou. Disparities and Preventive Measures to Renal Cell Carcinoma. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Accessed March 16, 2023.

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