Kyle Riding, PhD, MLS(ASCP)cm

Associate Professor
Burnett School of Biomedical Science
College of Medicine
University of Central Florida

Dr. Kyle Riding is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida. He received his BS in medical laboratory science from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and his PhD in public health/epidemiology from Walden University. Dr. Riding has been a member and active volunteer for ASCLS and various constituent societies since 2004 and served as ASCLS Student Forum Chair, FYP Director, member and chair of various committees and task forces, and President of ASCLS-CNE. He currently serves as the ASCLS Secretary-Treasurer.

In his spare time, Dr. Riding enjoys sunny central Florida life. While COVID-19 had diminished his ability to go to theme parks and other attractions, he still enjoys daily runs and walks with his two dogs.


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