How to Best Approach Your Care Team About Unusual Lab Results


More Programs and Publications Featuring Dr. Kyle Riding

In this program:

What should patients do if they notice or wonder about lab test results that seem unusual? Watch as medical laboratory scientist Dr. Kyle Riding shares advice for patients to advocate for their health.


Leo Hesse:

Now, if an individual suspects something is unusual with the labs that we discussed today, what is the best way to approach their healthcare team?

Dr. Kyle Riding:

So,  I think the best way to approach their healthcare team is always reminding yourself as the patient that this is your health, this is not about anyone else's ego. And if you have a concern about your health, you should feel empowered by video series like this one, and information that's available through HubKits to be able to sit back and advocate with your provider and explain why you're concerned, if you were to see a small increase in your total bilirubin on a liver function test, you could now explain to your physician, “Hey, I'm concerned about this increase in total bilirubin, because I watched in a video series that it could indicate maybe red cells are being destroyed too much, maybe I have liver disease potentially starting, or maybe I'm just part of that 5 percent of the population who's going to have an abnormal value, but feels perfectly healthy.” And “Hey, doc, can you please tell me which one you think of those categories I fall into?” And that's a perfectly legitimate question you should be asking your providers, and unfortunately, you may at times not get an answer that meets your needs. That doesn't mean you should stop.

And I always will continue to say, if you need to try and find a second opinion that gives you an answer, that helps empower you and gives you a sense of security that they’re going to be okay. 

The information on Diverse Health Hub is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other condition. Always seek the expert advice of your healthcare team.

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